Senior Center

Fairfield Township Senior Center

68 Fairton-Gouldtown Rd. Bridgeton, NJ 08302
(Located to the left of the municipal building)
(856) 451-9284 Ext. 315

Coordinator: Eric Durham


Tuesday: 10am to 2pm
Thursday: 10am to 2pm
Friday: 9am to 11am

The Fairfield Township Senior Center offers opportunities for seniors to socialize, learn, share meals, participate in special events, and more.

All Senior Citizens are welcome to join in or bring their own activity or just sit with a book, knitting, watching TV, or visit with friends! Cumberland County Meals on Wheels supplies lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays for a donation of $2.

Guest speakers are in attendance periodically, to give out free info and resources on various specific topics that are useful for the wellbeing of our Seniors.

The Senior Center also hosts a pantry give away every Friday from 9am-11am.

Please contact Eric Durham with any questions or concerns by phone or email with the contact info listed above.

Transportation between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm can be arranged by calling the Cumberland Area Transit System (CATS) at (856) 691-7799

A list of Heating & Cooling Center locations is maintained by the Cumberland County Office on Aging & Disabled. Please call (856) 453-2220 for location information.