
Welcome to the office of the Clerk. For more information select from the categories listed below:


Forms and Applications


Everyone must register to vote. There are three qualifications to register.

1. Be a citizen of the United States.

2. Be 18 years old or older by the date of the next ensuing Election.

3. Have resided in the county for 30 days prior to any electon.

How and Where to Register

A prospective voter may register in person at either the office of the County Clerk, 60 West Broad Street, Bridgeton, NJ 08302. A mail in registration form is available from the County Clerk’s Office (856) 453-4860, Municipal Clerk or the League of Women Voters (800) 792-VOTE.

When to Register

A person must register at least 21 days preceding an election. Registration is permanent in New Jersey but one must re-register for the following reasons:

  • Change in name.
  • Change of residence.

The exception to the re-registration rule is a move within the municipality or county:

  • Voters who moved within the same voting district need only sign a statement indicating the new address to be able to vote.

If the move is within the same county, a person may vote in the former election district for that election but must vote by provisional ballot.

When the move is within the county, even between two voting districts in a municipality, 21 days prior to an election, a change of address card (available from Municipal Clerks) must be filed with the Cumberland County Board.

When and Where to Vote

All registered voters receive in the mail from the County Clerk’s Office A SAMPLE BALLOT containing the following:

  • Where to vote.
  • Hours when the polls are open.
  • Offices to be voted on.
  • Names of candidates.
  • Public Questions.
  • How to use a voting machine.
  • Number of the election district.

Handicap accessibility.

Voting machines are used in all elections throughout the community. Provision is made for write-in votes for individuals whose names do not appear on the ballot. The complete election code in Title 19 of the New Jersey Statues is available in the public library or online at .

General Elections and Primaries

Fairfield holds General Elections on the same date that national elections are held, the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Voting for national, state, county and local officials takes place at this time.

Fairfield holds Primary Elections in June. A resident must be registered as a Democrat or Republican to vote in a Primary Election. Forms can be obtained in the Municipal Clerk’s Office. Party affiliation is declared when voting in a primary for the first time.

Absentee Voting

A registered voter may vote by absentee ballot for any of the following reasons:

  1. Absence from the state on election day
  2. Illness or physical disability (including blindness or pregnancy)
  3. Observation of a religious holiday
  4. Resident attendance at school, college, or university
  5. Hours and nature of employment
  6. Eligibility for Military Service Ballot

Overseas residence (federal elections only)

Application for an absentee ballot may be obtained in person or by mail from:

Fairfield Municipal Building
P.O. Box 240
70 Fairton-Goudltown Road
Fairton, NJ 08320


County Clerk’s Office
60 W. Broad Street
Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Application for an absentee ballot must be received by the County Clerk no later than 7 days preceding the election. Absentee ballots must reach the County Board of Elections, 555 Shiloh Pike, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 by the close of Election Day.

Emergency Provisions for an Absentee Ballot

Within the 7 day period preceding an election and until 3PM the day of the election, you may vote absentee in person at the office of the County Clerk. If you are ill or incapacitated, you may send someone as your messenger with written authorization to obtain your ballot and return it to the County Clerk’ office.

Municipal Nominations

Each party nominates its local candidates by petition which must be filed with the Township Clerk by 4PM at least 64 days before the Primary. The number of signatures needed on the petition must equal at least 5% of the total vote cast in the Municipality in the last preceding Primary held for the election of that party’s candidates to the General Assembly.

A candidate for local office must have been a resident and a registered voter for at least one year before running. If two or more candidates seek their party’s nomination for any office, the choice is made at the Primary Election.

School Board Elections

School Board Elections are now held at the same time as the General Election.