Planning and Zoning Fees

Ordinance No. 458-99

Fairfield Township

An Ordinance amending Zoning and Planning Board Fees

 Be it ordained by the Township Committee of the Township of Fairfield, County of Cumberland and State of New Jersey, that an Ordinance establishing Zoning and Planning Board fees, by adopted as follows:

            Land Use Board applications for variances
                 other than D variances                                        $  75.00
            D Variances                                                               200.00
            Zoning permit                                                             25.00
            200 foot owner’s list                                                    10.00
            Conditional Use Application                                        100.00
            Minor Subdivision Application                                       50.00
                  plus for each additional lot                                     25.00
            Major Subdivision Application                                     100.00
                  plus for each lot                                                    40.00
            Minor Site Plan                                                          100.00
            Major Site Plan                                                          250.00
                    plus per acre of site                                             40.00
            Request for Interpretation                                          100.00
            Request for Prior Non-Conforming Use
                     determination                                                  100.00
            Any other appeal of decision by Zoning
                    Officer                                                             100.00
Be it further ordained that escrow fees be paid in advance of any matter being deemed complete for hearing as follows:
A.  Conceptual Subdivision Plan Review
       (Major or Minor)                                           $300.00
B.   Minor Subdivisions                                           500.00
C.   Minor Subdivisions with Variance(s)                  750.00
D.   Major Subdivisions
         (Preliminary Approval)
        (1)  0-25 Lots                                             3,000.00
                        (2) 26-100 Lots                                           5,000.00
                             + each lot over 26                                     50.00                 
                        (3) 101 to 500 Lots                                      7,500.00
                            + each lot over 101                                     50.00
                        (4) 501 Lots                                              10,000.00
                            + each lot over 501                                     25.00

                 E.   Major Subdivisions (Final Approval)

                        (1) 0-25 Lots                                              1,500.00
                        (2) 26-100 Lots                                           2,000.00
                        (3) 101 to 500 Lots                                      3,500.00
                        (4) 501 Lots +                                             5,000.00

                F.   Site Plans:

                        (1) Conceptual Site Plan (Informal)           
                                (Major or Minor)                                  300.00
                        (2) Minor Site Plan (Preliminary
                                Approval)                                            750.00
                        (3) Minor Site Plan (Final Approval)                500.00
                        (4)  Major Site Plan: (Preliminary)
                            (a) 0-.5 Acre of Disturbed Area               2,000.00
                            (b) .51 to 1 Acre of Disturbed Area         2,500.00
                            (c) 1.01 to 5 Acres of Disturbed Area       3,500.00
                            (d) 5.01 to 25 Acres of Disturbed Area     5,000.00
                            (e) 25.01 to 100 Acres of Disturbed Area  7,500.00
                            (f) 100.01 + Acres of Disturbed Area       10,000.00
                                    + each Acre over 100                        100.00
                        (5)  Major Site Plan: (Final)
                            (a) 0-.5 Acre of Disturbed Area                  500.00
                            (b) .51 to 1 Acre of Disturbed Area         1,000.00
                            (c) 1.01 to 5 Acres of Disturbed Area       1,500.00
                            (d) 5.01 to 25 Acres of Disturbed Area     2,000.00
                            (e) 25.01 to 100 Acres of Disturbed Area  2,500.00
                            (f) 100.01 + Acres of Disturbed Area        3,000.00
                                    + each Acre over 100                         50.00
                G.  Variance Other Than Pursuant to N.J.S.A.
                        First Acre or part thereof                             500.00
                        + Each additional acre or part thereof           150.00
                H.   Variance Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-
                        First Acre or part thereof                           1,000.00
                        + Each additional acre or part thereof            150.00
                I.   Conditional Use:
                        First Acre or part thereof                           1,000.00
                        + Each additional acre or part thereof            150.00
                J.   Request for Interpretation                                300.00
                K.  Request for Pre-existing non-conforming
                        use determination                                         300.00
In the event that the amount deposited in escrow is expended, the applicant shall deposit such additional amount as estimated to be necessary by the Township Engineer.  In the event of a specialized application, the escrow deposit shall be as determined to be reasonably necessary by the Township Engineer.